Our Therapists & Facilitators

Our Therapists & Facilitators

Our Therapists & Facilitators

JANICE's Story

I am a bit of a Sherlock Holmes, I think I was born asking “Why?” So, with all my therapies I spend time gathering and integrating the latest science which supports my work...

When my husband died suddenly in 2002, I felt my life was over. The love of my life was gone. I was devastated. But now I can look back and realise that although obviously I would rather my husband be alive today, this horrendous event lead me on a journey of self-discovery. 


A journey, which began with a lot of reading, initially as a way of occupying my mind so as not to dwell on my loss but which soon became a way of seeking help. A journey which so far has lead me to see the world from a totally different positive perspective and has enabled me to cross paths with some truly charming and interesting people. 


My journey led me meandering through wonderful therapies and techniques including Reiki, Psych-K, to EFT and later Matrix Reimprinting and Advanced Clearing Energetic, all of which I now work as a practitioner and a trainer. I have experienced first-hand just how much these therapies can do to help you help from all manner of issues. I have also spent three years studying crystals and how they can help the healing journey. 


I am also META-Health trainer and use this brilliant diagnostic tool to help people understand why they are unwell & really get to the root cause of their problem. It fits in so beautifully with my therapies. I also have a passion for researching, I am a bit of a Sherlock Holmes, I think I was born asking “Why?”.

So, with all my therapies I spend time gathering and integrating the latest science which supports my work. I feel so privileged to have found some excellent therapies that answer many of my questions about illness, pain and loss. 


I have been in the complimentary therapy industry for over 15 years now and have worked with hundreds of clients. I specialise in working with grief and loss but I also work with clients with a vast array of issues. I run training courses in EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and Grief. I run two types of grief courses, one for practitioners to best equip them to help those experiencing loss and one for those who have lost a loved one to give them support and tools to help themselves. I regularly talk at conferences and workshops about grief and loss and I continuously researching how best I can conduct my work. 


Most recently I qualified as a British School of Meditation teacher. I am delighted to now be running regular classes for clients to help with their personal issues and for anyone who wishes to explore meditation. My classes range from beginners to advanced. I am also expanding my work with compassion, a very understated caring behaviour. I run a day workshop exploring all about compassion with some wonderful exercises included.


This journey of self-discovery has equipped me with the ability to see life from many different perspectives...

Hypnotherapy saved and inspired me and I want to share that level of healing with the world. That is why I decided to become a fully qualified hypnotherapist with the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH). I have a lifelong passion for psychology, researching the inner workings of the mind and different methods of psychotherapy. This, along with my own life struggles led me to discover how powerful a healer hypnotherapy can be, especially after having tried several different counselling styles.

 I am no stranger to life in many forms, as I have worked as a Human Resources Consultant in fast-paced office environments in and around London for several years, as well as working as a carer and running my own furniture business.

 I have since discovered what is important to me in life and have transformed my life to better suit me and my personality. This journey of self-discovery has equipped me with the ability to see life from many different perspectives and to help others find their way to better mental health and achieving their goals.

I am fully qualified in Hypnotherapy, NLP and EFT, practicing from my therapy room in Newtown, Powys. I incorporate different hypnotherapy techniques such 

as Parts work (Tebbetts), Gestalt Therapy, Inner Child work, Regression, Analytical and Solution Focused hypnotherapy into my therapy plans depending on the client’s unique needs and healing preferences. I listen compassionately and will work with you respecting your own values and beliefs, taking a holistic approach and adapting my techniques to achieve your goals. 


I have specialised experience working with people with stress, anxiety and depression, pain, IBS, sleep issues, overeating issues, body confidence issues or 

in abusive relationships as well as working with people with addictions, habits and phobias and those who want to improve their performance or motivation and make positive changes in their lives. 


I am DBS cleared and can offer hypnotherapy to children aged 8 and above. Issues may include night terrors, low self-esteem, bed wetting, exam anxieties and gaming addiction.

HANNAH's Story

...passionate about helping others experience the benefits of yoga...

Hannah has an MA Honours degree in Ancient History and a PGCE in Secondary Education. She taught History and Classical Civilisations GCSE and A’ Level at Llanfyllin High School for 14 years, before discovering Yoga at the age of 40. 

Hannah found the many, far-reaching benefits of a daily yoga practice had a life-changing impact on all aspects of her physical and emotional health, leading to a complete change of direction.

Hannah is now a qualified yoga teacher registered with Yoga Alliance Professionals. She is passionate about helping others experience the benefits of yoga for themselves and offers both group classes and one to one yoga sessions.


...This was a big turning point and I soon felt so good in so many ways, that I hadn’t even really realised it was possible for me.

My journey has come full circle! At 18 I was studying a Psychology degree because I was interested in how we thought and behaved and what led us to have good lives or otherwise. It lasted all of 3 months…. it just wasn’t what I had envisaged and so I returned home, feeling deflated and somewhat of a failure.

My career from then until now has included: working at my local High School, in the Special Educational Needs Department and as a Pastoral Support lead for 15 & 16 year olds; achieving a degree in English and History and completing teacher training whilst working; a move to Youth Intervention Services and then Team Manager supporting 16-25 year olds with challenges including poor mental health and homelessness.

In 2019, after a spell of struggling with several chronic and impactful illnesses, I sidestepped into strategy management in Youth Homelessness. I also manage a project for young people with significant challenges to accessing and maintaining homes.

At a similar time I reconnected with Amy, we had worked alongside each other for the Local Authority. She had recently left to pursue new adventures and had started her own health and wellness business - I was in serious admiration!

Amy was keen for me to give the nutrition programme a try, knowing it could really help with my overall wellness. This was a big turning point and I soon felt so good in so many ways that I hadn’t even really realised possible for me.

I was really keen to join Amy so I could help take this game-changing programme to anyone ready to take control and feel at their absolute best!

What I hadn’t realised on the journey into the business is how much I would learn about myself, others and life through the abundance of personal development on offer. This has also been transformative, both on a day-to-day and bigger picture level. The Be Well Club has changed the way I embrace every day and face life’s challenges  - and amazingly, more often than not, affect the outcomes too! I love that we get to pay this forward to our growing community.

Sharing these benefits has led me to also join forces with a Positive Psychologist (the full circle!) and we offer a bespoke programme - ‘Finding The Superhero Within With Positive Psychology’ - either corporately or for individuals coming together in our groups.

What I love about the various collaborations manifesting in the last few years (all thanks to saying yes to Amy, I will be forever grateful!) is that we are so passionate about the transformation our various services can help create for people. By walking alongside people on their journeys and introducing them to what has worked for us, we see significant changes in people’s happiness, physical and mental wellbeing, resilience for when times get tough - and ultimately tools they need to help them lead their best lives. 

sAM's Story

Fusing over 16 years experience in children’s services and senior management with mindset and wellbeing coaching, Sam is passionate about self-care.

Fusing over 16 years experience in children’s services and senior management with mindset and wellbeing coaching, Sam is passionate about self-care. 

If your profession is all about having a positive impact on children's lives and you often forget YOU in all of this, it's normally because your mindset is trained to always help others. This is passion and the world also needs you to be the best version of you!

My mission is to help as many as possible to remove the barriers and overload, that prevent you from being able to put your own oxygen mask first.

Turn up to work, be at work and finish work having success and energy left for YOU. NEVER GIVE UP on being YOU.

Arty's Story

Arty is a gentle beautiful  soul whose career initially took her into banking then quickly found her place in wellbeing, setting up her own business.....

There are two major events that transformed my life, I gave birth to my still baby daughter Alma at 20 weeks and I lost my father exactly 8 weeks later, same day same time. After these life-changing events, I’m still standing with my head up high. Yes, there have been times that I could not feel the ground beneath my feet, but instead of falling, I learned to fly. This made me realise that I’m emotionally resilient and my calling in life is to help others build their own innate strength.

With my a 1st class degree in Psychology and an MSc in International Securities, Investment and Banking, since 2005 I set up my wellbeing business and since 2016 training others.

I"m still learning myself and will continue to until I take my last breath. I'm an advanced and certified Emotional Technique and Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner.

I offer one to one sessions and group sessions through as Inner Confidence Alchemy Membership. I'm also the host of two podcasts Inner Confidence Conversations and Resource the Fertility Therapist both available on iTunes and distributed via my regulate newsletter via substack. To find out more about myself do visit www.artyamarisa.com.

Helen's Story

I first became involved in Reflexology by chance or divine intervention?

A leaflet came through my door for a six-week taster course for Reflexology. 


I hadn’t ever heard of Reflexology before but I was hoping that this new skill might be of benefit to myself and to my family. In particular I was hoping that it would help to calm and aid my then 3-year-old son with his sleep issues.


As parents my Husband and I felt that we would prefer to try Holistic Therapies rather than medication to help our autistic child sleep. Reflexology was a game changer for us as I used it as party of our son’s sleep routine. It definitely helped and made him feel calmer. Prior to Reflexology he used to take two hours rolling in the bed to settle.


Reflexology was also a way for us to have some contact and to bond with our son. Due to his autism our son finds it difficult to tolerate affection or hugs. Imagine having to wait so long for a child that is the most precious being in the world to you, but your child flinches when you go near them to hug them. This is very difficult to cope with as a parent. 


Reflexology is based on points on your hands, feet, face and ears that correspond to parts of your body. The feeling that a Reflexologist will get in parts of your body that need extra support are a popping sensation rather like bursting bubble wrap.

This tends to be found in people’s head, neck and shoulder area. I love carrying out Reflexology treatment sessions but I’m also qualified in offering workshops to show people a very relaxing routine for them to be able to help themselves. This is mainly for relaxation.


Another area that I have a keen interest in is Laughter Yoga. This was invented in India by a Dr. Madan Katara in the 1960’s.The philosophy behind Laughter Yoga is that pretend laughter eventually becomes real laughter. You are laughing with people, not at people. I think that Laughter Yoga is like Marmite – you either love it or hate it. It has great benefits including feeling uplifted and reducing stress and anxiety. It helps to lower your blood pressure and releases the endorphins and oxytocin in the body and generally helps you to feel so much better.


I offer Holistic Therapy sessions at my home studio and also do workshops for parents, carers and the local hospice. It is also offered in our Feel Good Wellbeing packages. I also run a monthly Laughter Yoga club. 


Laughter Yoga and Reflexology are very portable activities that can be carried out in a variety of settings such as a Church Hall or even outdoors.


From a career in Law to experiencing re-awakened trauma, Pamela went down a spiritual healing path....

Pamela has over 20 years experience as a Lawyer in the legal industry where she built relationships & helped businesses with compliance to all of the required regulations. She spent years working with the Law Society (The Regulator of Solicitors) & then directly with businesses to change systems & controls to ensure compliance. 

During that time she also qualified as a Reiki Master after suffering a great loss herself in her private life & undergoing an awakening of how trauma from her childhood had had an impact on her life. 

Due to this change she made a decision to then follow her calling and help others who have been in similar situations by building her business. 

Pamela’s business White Feather Reiki & Healing has supported the local, wider communities in the UK & Worldwide especially since before & during COVID when people were more vulnerable & unable to gain usual access to holistic treatment for healing. She provided monthly access online for free where real help & resource was attainable that saw massive results. 

Pamela continues to support businesses as well as people from all walks of life in person & online with access to; Reiki Healing & Spiritual Teaching including Meditation & how it helps to balance our mind, spirit & soul to fulfil its purpose.

Shamanic Reiki Master, EFT Practitioner & Spiritual Life Path Business Coach.

FRED's Story

I am a person of two halves... Engineering and Yoga!

I am a person of two halves! Engineering and Yoga!

I started my working life as an apprentice electrician at 15 and continued my training and working until the age of 28, at which point I was working as a Electronic Designer. During this working journey, at the age of 18, I first started Hatha Yoga (achieving physical at-one-ment) classes in my spare time, following my mother's recommendation.

After about 3 years of yoga classes and practice, I started to run classes of my own which I did for 10 years or so, some of which had as many as 45 people per session. So they were really popular and I thoroughly enjoyed teaching it. In particular I loved teaching the physical and emotional wellbeing aspects of Yoga.

As my skills increased I then moved on to Raja Yoga (achieving mental at-one-ment) which encompasses full breathing control, emotional stability and control, mind and memory control, concentration, meditation and contemplation.

I taught meditation for a year at Salisbury Technical College (as it was then!) and then my working life as an Electronics Engineer and family man took over and I ran my own business in Industrial Electronics for 19 years.

Throughout my working and family life I have continued to practice Raja Yoga in my spare time and now, I use my yoga skills to teach people how to have a low stress life, free from troubling past memories, capable of handling all types of pressure and teaching meditation and contemplation giving one a full awareness of soul consciousness.

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